This is what the list looks like now:
- A History of Cambodia - David Chandler
- A House in Gross Disorder - Cynthia B. Herrup
- A Point of Light - Zhou Mei
- A Spy's Revenge - Richard V. Hall
- A Will For Freedom - Romen Bose
- Agnes Smedley - J.R. & S.R. MacKinnon
- Apache Sunrise - Jerome Boyle
- Armed Communist Movements in Southeast Asia - Lim Joo Jock, Vani S., Eds.
- Asian Labour In The Japanese Wartime Empire - Paul Kratoska, Ed.
- Beating the Blues - Thase & Lang
- Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
- Black Dog of Fate - Peter Balakian
- Captains of Consciousness - Stuart Ewen
- Chinese Customs - Henri Dore
- Colonial Masculinity - Mrinalini Sinha
- Comet In Our Sky: Lim Chin Siong in History - Tan Jing Quee and Jomo K.S., Eds
- Daniel Deronda - George Eliot
- Dictionary of the Khazars - Milorad Pavic
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Charles Mackay
- Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
- First Person Singular - Joyce Carol Oates
- Folklore of Tamil Nadu - S.M.L. Lakshman Chettiar
- From Pacific War to Merdeka - James Wong Wing On
- Gandhi's Truth — On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence - Erik H. Erikson
- How I Adore You - Mark Pritchard
- In Pursuit of Mountain Rats - Anthony Short
- In The Grip of a Crisis - Rudy Mosbergen
- Incursion: From America's Chokehold on the Nva Lifelines to the Sacking of the Cambodian Sanctuaries - J.D. Coleman
- Into Cambodia - Keith William Nolan
- Kinabalu Guerrillas - Maxwell Hall
- King Rat - James Clavell
- Kranji - Romen Bose
- Labour Unrest in Malaya - Tai Yuen
- Life As The River Flows - Agnes Khoo
- Living Hell - Goh Chor Boon
- Malaya and Singapore During the Japanese Occupation - Paul H. Kratoska, Ed.
- Meena, Heroine of Afghanistan - Melody Ermachild Chavis
- Minorities of the Sino-Vietnamese Borderland - Maurice Abadie
- Nakshi Kantha of Bengal - Sila Basak
- Niels Lyhne - Jens Peter Jacobsen
- Nonsense - Robert J. Gula
- No Cowardly Past - James Puthucheary
- Odd Man Out: The Story of the Singapore Traitor - Peter Elphick & Michael Smith
- Orientalism - Edward W. Said
- Outwitting the Gestapo - Lucie Aubrac
- Pearl S. Buck, A Cultural Biography - Peter Conn
- People's War, People's Army - Vo Nguyen Giap
- Primitive Art - Frank Boas
- Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson
- Raffles - Maurice Collins
- Reading Lolita In Teheran - Azar Nafisi
- Red Star Over Malaya - Cheah Boon Kheng
- Rethinking Raffles - Syed Muhd. Khairudin Aljunied
- Rosie - Anne Lamott
- Sabah Under The Rising Sun Government - Stephen R. Evans
- Satyajit Ray: The Inner Eye (The Biography Of A Master Film-Maker - Andrew Robinson
- Screenwriting 434 - Lew Hunter
- Shanghai Refuge, A Memoir of the WWII Jewish Ghetto - Ernest G. Heppner
- Sherpas Through Their Rituals - Sherry B. Ortner
- Singapore:Journey Into Nationhood
- Singapore & The Many-Headed Monster - Joe Conceicao
- Singapore The Air-Conditioned Nation - Cherian George
- Singapore's People's Action Party: Its History, Organization and Leadership - Pang Cheng Lian
- Sisters in the Resistance - Margaret Collins Weitz
- Strangers Always A Jewish Family in Wartime Shanghai - Rena Krasno
- Stress and Mental Health in Malaysian Society - Tan Chee Khuan
- The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera
- The Autobiography of An Unknown Indian - Nirad C. Chaudhary
- The Bengal Muslims 1871 - 1906 - Ahmed
- The Birth of Vietnam - Keith Weller Taylor
- The British Humiliation of Burma - Terence R. Blackburn
- The Devil Finds Work - James Baldwin
- The Emergence of Modern Turkey - Bernard Lewis
- The End of the War - Romen Bose
- The Gift - Lewis Hyde
- The Lives of Agnes Smedley - Ruth Price
- The Old Wine Shades - Martha Grimes
- The Malayan Union Controversy 1942-1948 - Albert Lau
- The Mak Nyahs Malaysian Male to Female Transexuals - Teh Yik Koon
- The March of Folly From Troy To Vietnam - Barbara W. Tuchman
- The Mind's I - Hofstadter & Dennett
- The Plague - Albert Camus
- The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore - Christopher Tremewan
- The Price of Peace - Foong Choon Hon, Ed.
- The Remembered Village - M.N. Srinivasan
- The Right To Die - Humphry-Wickett
- The Rise & Fall of the Knights Templar - Gordon Napier
- The Tin Drum - Gunther Grass
- The Ugly Chinaman - Bo Yang
- The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Tea - Bret Hinsch
- The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler
- Time Bombs in Malaysia - Lim Kit Siang
- Virtual Reality - Howard Rheingold
- Vietnam: A Long History - Nguyen Khac Vien
- Vietnam & America: The Most Comprehensive Documented History of the Vietnam War - Gettleman, et al
- Vietnam Moment - Brenda Paik Sunoo and Ton Thi Thu Nguyet
- War & Memory in Malaysia & Singapore - P. Lim Pui Huen, Diana Wong, Eds.
- Who Won The Malayan Emergency - Herbert Andrew
- Witness to an Era - Frank Moraes
- Women in the Holocaust - Dalia Ofer, Lenore J. Weitzman, Eds.
- Writers' Workshop in a Book - Cheuse and Alvarez
- You'll Die in Singapore - Charles McCormac
- You'll Never Get Off This Island - Keith Wilson
- Your Memory: A User's Guide - Alan Baddeley
What can I say? The fucking list keeps growing. Am I reading fast enough to keep up? Probably not. The only hope I have left is, I've got a two-week vacation coming up, and I plan to pack a minimum of 25 books to take with me. With no tasks to fulfil - no phone calls, email, food shopping or preparation, laundry, doctors' visits, physical therapy, ad nauseam — I should be able to read a minimum of 25 books, don'tchathink? Maybe I should pack 30 books. Sigh.
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