And, James Franco, you're a wimp!
Did you see James Franco being interviewed by David Letterman last night? The interview was about Franco's involvement with the movie
Milk. He plays Harvey Milk's lover. So, of course, the asshole interviewer has to pull out those old tired jokes: "So, how drunk did you have to be to kiss Sean Penn?'
I am so sick of those kinds of jokes. We lesbiqueerTrans folk have had to endure these stupid questions our whole lives. Bigots, do you get it? It is homophobic to ask those kinds of questions. You're all trying to act so liberal because you're actually talking about queers ... but you really think that we are literally Q-U-E-E-R. The whole dialog is about your discomfort with our sexuality -- it has nothing to do with us and our
magnificent sexuality.
I mean really, James Franco, the whole point of the movie is liberation from homophobia so how come you couldn't say something strong about this issue to David Letterman?
Be an ally. A true ally. Not some fake Hollywood "Oh-I-voted-against-Prop-8" kinda ally. Be real. Put yourself on the line .... like we have to in our jobs sometimes. Good golly -- grow a backbone!!!
Another thing: YOU ARE ACTORS!!! You act all kinds of things that are not about you as a person. Stick up for yourself as an actor ... don't get all kinds of squirmy when people ask "How could you kiss Sean Penn?" I'm a lesbian and I don't think it would be a big deal to kiss Sean Penn if I were acting!!!! So, that's why I think this entire line of questioning is homophobic.
Have some class like Susan Sarandon when someone asked that stupid question of her ... in
The Hunger she kissed Catherine Deneuve: "Who wouldn't want to kiss Catherine Deneuve?"
I've always really respected Susan Sarandon for that.