Here we are at the end of the first quarter and we've finally completed our 2009 list of books to read.
- 20th Century Chinese Stories - C.T. Hsia, Ed.
- A Dictionary of Common Trinidad Hindi - Kumar Mahabir
- A History of Cambodia - David Chandler
- A History of Modern Indonesia - M.C. Ricklefs
- A House in Gross Disorder - Cynthia B. Herrup
- A Mercy - Toni Morrison
- A Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian Women in America - Ed: Shamita Das Dasgupta
- A Point of Light - Zhou Mei
- A Spy's Revenge - Richard V. Hall
- A Tiger In Red Weather - John Wyllie
- A Will For Freedom - Romen Bose
- Agnes Smedley - J.R. & S.R. MacKinnon
- Anathem - Neal Stephenson
- Armed Communist Movements in Southeast Asia - Lim Joo Jock, Vani S., Eds.
- Arms and The Women - Reginald Hill
- Asian Labour In The Japanese Wartime Empire - Paul Kratosha, Ed.
- Baumgartner's Bombay - Anita Desai
- Beating the Blues - Thase & Lang
- Between Two Oceans - Murkett, Miskic, Farrell, & Chiang
- Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
- Bitter Lemons - Lawrence Durrell
- Blanche Among The Talented Tenth - Barbara Neely
- Blanche Cleans Up - Barbara Neely
- Blanche On The Lam - Barbara Neely
- Blanche Passes Go - Barbara Neely
- Blood On The Golden Sands - Lim Kean Siew
- Eye Over The Golden Sands - Lim Kean Siew
- Captains of Consciousness - Stuart Ewen
- Chandranath - Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Chinese Customs - Henri Dore
- Clay Walls - Kim Ronyoung
- Colonial Masculinity - Mrinalini Sinha
- Daniel Deronda - George Eliot
- Death and The Dogwalker - (A.J. Orde) Sherri S. Tepper
- Death Comes For The Fat Man - Reginald Hill
- Death's Jest-Book - Reginald Hill
- Dena-Paona - Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Devdas - Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Dialogues of the Dead - Reginald Hill
- Dictionary of the Khazars - Milorad Pavic
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Charles Mackay
- Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
- First Person Singular - Joyce Carol Oates
- Folklore of Tamil Nadu - S.M.L. Lakshman Chettiar
- Force 136:Story of A Resistance Fighter in WWII - Tan Chong Tee
- From Pacific War to Merdeka - James Wong Wing On
- Gaijin - James Clavell
- Gandhi's Truth — On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence - Erik H. Erikson
- Heart Politics - Fran Peavey
- How I Adore You - Mark Pritchard
- In Pursuit of Mountain Rats - Anthony Short
- In The Grip of a Crisis - Rudy Mosbergen
- Kempeitai:The Japanese Secret Service Then And Now - Richard Deacon
- Kempeitai - Raymond Lamont Brown
- Krait:The Fishing Boat That Went To War - Lynette Ramsay Silver
- Kranji - Romen Bose
- Labour Unrest in Malaya - Tai Yuen
- Lest We Forget - Alice M. Coleman & Joyce E. Williams
- Life As The River Flows - Agnes Khoo
- Living Hell - Goh Chor Boon
- Malay Folk Beliefs - Mohd Taib Osman
- Malaya and Singapore During the Japanese Occupation - Paul H. Kratoska, Ed.
- Marianne, The Madame, and The Momentary Gods - Sherri S. Tepper
- Marianne, The Magus, and The Manticore - Sherri S. Tepper
- Meena, Heroine of Afghanistan - Melody Ermachild Chavis
- Memory in Mind and Brain - Morton F. Reiser
- Modern Japan, A Historical Survey - Hane Mikiso
- Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
- Murder on the Verandah - Eric Lawlor
- My Island in the Sun - Khor Cheang Kee
- Niels Lyhne - Jens Peter Jacobsen
- Niskriti - Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Nonsense - Robert J. Gula
- No Cowardly Past - James Puthucheary
- Operation Matador - Ong Chit Chung
- Orientalism - Edward W. Said
- Orlando - Virginia Woolf
- Outwitting the Gestapo - Lucie Aubrac
- Over Tumbled Graves - Jess Walter
- Padma River Boatman - Manik Bandhopadhyay
- Palli Samaj (The Homecoming) - Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Pandit Moshai - Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Pearl S. Buck, A Cultural Biography - Peter Conn
- People's War, People's Army - Vo Nguyen Giap
- Power Politics - Arundhati Roy
- Primitive Art - Frank Boas
- Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson
- Purple Cane Road - James Lee Burke
- Raffles - Maurice Collins
- Reading Lolita In Teheran - Azar Nafisi
- Recalled To Life - Reginald Hill
- Red Star Over Malaya - Cheah Boon Kheng
- Rehearsal for War - Ban Kah Choon & Yap Hong Kuan
- Rethinking Raffles - Syed Muhd. Khairudin Aljunied
- Revolt in Paradise - K'tut Tantri
- Rosie - Anne Lamott
- Satyajit Ray: The Inner Eye (The Biography Of A Master Film-Maker - Andrew Robinson
- Screenwriting 434 - Lew Hunter
- Shanghai Refuge, A Memoir of the WWII Jewish Ghetto - Ernest G. Heppner
- Sherpas Through Their Rituals - Sherry B. Ortner
- Shut Up, I'm Talking - Gregory Levey
- Singapore & The Many-Headed Monster - Joe Conceicao
- Singapore The Air-Conditioned Nation - Cherian George
- Singapore The Pregnable Fortress - Peter Elphick
- Sisters in the Resistance - Margaret Collins Weitz
- Skull Still Bone - John Wyllie
- Soldiers Alive - Ishikawa Tatsuzo
- Soon I Will be Invincible - Austin Grossman
- Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce Vol. I - Anthony Reid
- Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce Vol. II - Anthony Reid
- Strangers Always A Jewish Family in Wartime Shanghai - Rena Krasno
- Stress and Mental Health in Malaysian Society - Tan Chee Khuan
- Sunset Limited - James Lee Burke
- Taming the Wind of Desire - Carol Laderman
- The Art of Detection - Laurie R. King
- The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera
- The Autobiography of An Unknown Indian - Nirad C. Chaudhary
- The Bengal Muslims 1871 - 1906 - Ahmed
- The Birth of Vietnam - Keith Weller Taylor
- The British Humiliation of Burma - Terence R. Blackburn
- The Bones - Sherri S. Tepper
- The Demon-Haunted World - Carl Sagan
- The Devil Finds Work - James Baldwin
- The Double Tenth Trial - C. Sleeman, S.C. Sillein, Eds.
- The Dutch Seaborne Empire 1600 - 1800 - C.R. Boxer
- The Emergence of Modern Turkey - Bernard Lewis
- The End of the War - Romen Bose
- The Eye Over The Golden Sands - Lim Kean Siew
- The Gift - Lewis Hyde
- The Gravedigger's Daughter - Joyce Carol Oates
- The Jungle is Neutral - F. Spencer Chapman
- The Killer Breath - John Wyllie
- The Lincoln Lawyer - Michael Conolly
- The Lives of Agnes Smedley - Ruth Price
- The Long, Dark Night of Baron Samedi - John Wyllie
- The Malayan Union Controversy 1942-1948 - Albert Lau
- The Mak Nyahs Malaysian Male to Female Transexuals - Teh Yik Koon
- The March of Folly From Troy To Vietnam - Barbara W. Tuchman
- The Companions - Sherri S. Tepper
- The Margarets - Sherri S. Tepper
- The Mind's I - Hofstadter & Dennett
- The Nanjing Massacre - Honda Katsuichi
- The Origins of The Second World War in Asia and the Pacific - Iriye Akira
- The Pacific War - Ienaga Saburo
- The Phor Tor Festival In Penang:Deities, Ghosts, and Chinese Ethnicity - Tan Sooi Beng
- The Physics of Star Trek - Lawrence Krauss
- The Plague - Albert Camus
- The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore - Christopher Tremewan
- The Price of Peace - Foong Choon Hon, Ed.
- The Prince and The Discourses - Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Rape of Nanking - Iris Chang
- The Remembered Village - M.N. Srinivasan
- The Right To Die - Humphry-Wickett
- The Rise & Fall of the Knights Templar - Gordon Napier
- The Scents of Eden, A History of the Spice Trade - Charles Corn
- The Tin Drum - Gunther Grass
- The Tin Roof Blowdown - James Lee Burke
- The Ugly Chinaman - Bo Yang
- The Vintage Book of Indian Writing - Salman Rushdie, Elizabeth West, Eds.
- The War in Malaya - A.E. Percival
- The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler
- Three Came Home - Agnes Newton Keith
- To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
- The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga
- Till Morning Comes - Han Suyin
- Time Bombs in Malaysia - Lim Kit Siang
- To Catch A Viper - John Wyllie
- Tokyo Rose - Masayo Duus
- Tumbuna Stories 1, The Creation of Animal Life/As Bilong Animal - Thomas H. Slone and Jada Wilson
- Tumbuna Stories 2,The Origin of People and Society/As Bilong Manmeri Na Sosaiti - Thomas H. Slone and Peter Leo Ella
- Virtual Reality - Howard Rheingold
- War & Memory in Malaysia & Singapore - P. Lim Pui Huen, Diana Wong, Eds.
- Who Won The Malayan Emergency - Herbert Andrew
- Witness to an Era - Frank Moraes
- Women in the Holocaust - Dalia Ofer, Lenore J. Weitzman, Eds.
- Women, Outcastes, Peasants & Rebels - Kalpana Bardhan
- Writers' Workshop in a Book - Cheuse and Alvarez
- You'll Die in Singapore - Charles McCormac
- You'll Never Get Off This Island - Keith Wilson
- Your Memory: A User's Guide - Alan Baddeley
1. I already read some of these. After all, this list has been in prep since January, fer cryin' out.
2. It's all the fault of those people who shall remain, as my Primary Three teacher, Mr. Robert Tan, used to say, "nameless and shameless." You know who you are who keep lending/buying/giving me books!
3. Oh, yeah, thanks for the books.
4. I can't count worth shit.
Ms. Manitoba's right. Read the fiction first, it's easier than all those skull-thumpers.
For you, my interested audience (all three of you, c'mon now!) - some of these books have been on the list a mighty long time and still haven't been read. Should I hang on to them, or just let go?
Examples: A Spy's Revenge, Extraordinary Popular Delusions, Heart Politics, Virginia Woolf's work.
Most of these books are about WWII - is this good, for someone still recovering from major surgery? Vote, you get a chance to actually say what I'm gonna kick off my list.
Many of these books have been read and are being reread. Some of them (e.g., Robert Gula's Nonsense) are well worth rereading, repeatedly. Others? I ask you.
Examples: Revolt in Paradise, The Jungle is Neutral, The Mind's Eye (Hofstader, really boring), Howard Rheingold's Virtual Reality (dated), Machiavelli's Prince, The Physics of Star Trek (nerdy nerd nerd!) - really, why reread these? I can understand Camus, I've reread the Plague at least twice in this life AFAICR, but Hofstader? OK, vote already. I'll take your comments into account.
FYI, if you're interested in getting any of these books, they're linked to Amazon, so click and throw a few coins into my wallet, won'tcha? First review coming right up.