Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Book List 2012
Here's my list. I predict I'll make about a third of it by year's-end, if I'm lucky. Also, I hate Barack Obama because I think he reads faster than I do. That is unacceptable.
Everything marked with a * is something I'm already reading currently. Blame that crazy Canuck for teaching me bad reading habits.
All book recommendations accepted. Quite a few on this year's list are from friends, old and new.
- *7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
- *50 Stories - Kay Boyle
- 130 Projects To Get You Into Filmmaking - Grove
- A Concise History of Indian Art - Roy C. Craven
- A History of Cambodia - David Chandler
- A History of Democratic Kampuchea - Khamboly Dy
- A History of India 1 - Romila Thapar
- A History of India 2 - Percival Spear
- *A House in Gross Disorder - Cynthia B. Herrup
- A Journalist, A General, and An Army in Burma - U Thaung
- A Nation in Waiting - Adam Schwartz
- A New History of India - Stanley Wolpert
- *A Spy's Revenge - Richard V. Hall
- A Tale Of Millions: Bangladesh Liberation War - M. Rafiqul Islam
- Adventures in the Skin Trade - Dylan Thomas
- Agnes Smedley - J.R. & S.R. MacKinnon
- Alexander The Great - W.W. Tarn
- *Among the White Moonfaces - Shirley Lim
- An Advanced History of India - Majumdar, Raychaudhari, & Datta
- Angle of Repose - Wallace Stegner
- Asian Dragons & Green Trade - Simon Tay & Daniel Esty
- Back to Mandalay - Gerry Abbott
- Bangladesh From Mujib to Ershad, an interpretive study - Lawrence Ziring
- Beating the Blues - Thase & Lang
- Before Kampuchea - Milton Osborne
- Being Wrong - Kathryn Schultz
- *Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
- Black Dog of Fate - Peter Balakian
- Cambodia Silenced: The Press Under 6 Regimes - Harish Mehta
- Cambodia's Hidden Scars -
- Can You Forgive Her? - Anthony Trollope
- Captains of Consciousness - Stuart Ewen
- Ceylon - S. Arasaratnam
- China's Second Revolution - Harry Harding
- Chinese Customs - Henri Dore
- Chinese Warlord - The Career of Feng Yu Hsiang - James E. Sheridan
- Cinema, Emergence, & The Films of Satyajit Roy - Keya Ganguly
- Clarissa - Samuel Richardson
- Colonial Masculinity - Mrinalini Sinha
- Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
- Daddyji - Ved Mehta
- Death in Venice - Thomas Mann
- Decolonizing the Mind - Ngugi wa Thiong'o
- Designer Genes - Chee Heng Leng & Chan Chee Koon, eds.
- Desis in the House - Sunaina Maira
- Dharma and Development -
- Digital Filmmaking - Mike Figgis
- Discos and Democracy - Orville Schell
- *Don Quixote - Cervantes
- *Dread - The Rastafarians of Jamaica - Joseph Owens
- *Dubliners - James Joyce
- Enemies of the People - Anne F. Thurston
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Charles Mackay
- Facing the Cambodian Past - David Chandler
- Facets of Taoism - Holmes Welch & Anna Seidel
- Fighting Spirit of East Timor - Rowena Lennox
- *Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
- Fire In The Lake - Frances Fitzgerald
- First Person Singular - Joyce Carol Oates
- Flash of the Spirit -
- Flashbacks - Morley Safer
- Flower Of The Dragon - Richard Boyle
- Folklore From Contemporary Jamaicans - Daryl C. Dance
- Folklore of Tamil Nadu - S.M.L. Lakshman Chettiar
- Following Ho Chi Minh - Bui Tinh
- Futureland - Walter Moseley
- Gandhi - Louis Fischer
- Gandhi's Truth — On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence - Erik H. Erikson
- Gangsters and Revolutionaries - Robert Cribb
- *Getting Organized - Stephanie Winston
- Gotta Have It - Spike Lee
- Grasshoppers and Elephants - Wilfred Burchett
- Granta on Film
- Heritage of China - Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization - Ed. Paul S. Ropp
- *Hero And Deity - Pham Quynh Phuong
- Herzog - Saul Bellow
- Hinduism - Its Historical Development - Troy Wilson Organ
- *I Can Make You Thin - Paul McKenna
- In One's Own Shadow - Xin Liu
- Incursion: From America's Chokehold on the NVA Lifelines to the Sacking of the Cambodian Sanctuaries - J.D. Coleman
- India Wins Freedom - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
- Indian Art - Philip Rawson
- Indonesian Confrontation - Gabriel Tan
- Into Cambodia - Keith William Nolan
- IsvarChandra Vidyasagar -
- Khmers Stand Up! - Justin Corfield
- Laogai - The Chinese Gulag - Harry Wu Hong da
- *Lempriere's Dictionary - Lawrence Norfolk
- Leviathan - Hobbes
- Light in August - William Faulkner
- Mandarins, Jews, and Missionaries - Michael Pollak
- Mandate of Heaven - Orville Schell
- Masters of Light - Schaefer & Salvato
- May 13 - Kua Kim Soong
- Meena, Heroine of Afghanistan - Melody Ermachild Chavis
- Microeconomic Theory - Gould & Ferguson
- *Middlemarch - George Eliot
- Mike Leigh on Mike Leigh - Amy Raphael, ed.
- My Traitor's Heart - Rian Malan
- Myths About The Ethnic Chinese "Economic Miracle" - Joaquin Sy & Go Bon Juan
- *Nakshi Kantha of Bengal - Sila Basak
- Norodom Sihanouk: My War With The CIA - Wilfred Burchett
- One Blood — The Jamaican Body - Elisa Janine Sobo
- Orientalism - Edward W. Said
- Our Lady of Controversy - Alma Lopez
- *Outwitting the Gestapo - Lucie Aubrac
- Painting Islam as the New Enemy -
- Pearl S. Buck, A Cultural Biography - Peter Conn
- Personal Voices - Chinese Women in the '80s - Emily Honig & Gail Hershatter
- Physics and Philosophy - Werner Heisenberg
- Physiology of the Human Body - Guyton
- Pol Pot - Philip Short
- Popular Songs and Ballads of Han China - Anne Birrele
- *Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
- Primitive Art - Frank Boas
- *Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson
- Punjabi Century 1857-1947 - Prakash Tandon
- Rasta & Resistance - Horace Campbell
- Rastafari Roots & Ideology - Barry Chevannes
- Reading Lolita In Teheran - Azar Nafisi
- Red China Blues - Jan Wong
- Reeducating Chinese Anti-Communists - J.A. Fyfield
- Resistance and Reform in Tibet -
- Revolution Postponed - Margery Wolf
- River of Shadows - Rebecca Solnit
- Roots of Rastafari - Virginia Lee Jacobs
- Rosie - Anne Lamott
- Rural Development in China - Fei Hsiao Tung
- Satyajit Ray: The Inner Eye (The Biography Of A Master Film-Maker - Andrew Robinson
- Sayles on Sayles - Gavin Smith, ed.
- Screenwriting 434 - Lew Hunter
- Self Censorship: Singapore's Shame - James Gomez
- Shanghai Refuge, A Memoir of the WWII Jewish Ghetto - Ernest G. Heppner
- Sherpas Through Their Rituals - Sherry B. Ortner
- Shoot Me - Simonelli & Frumkes
- Showdown - Jorge Amado
- Singapore The Air-Conditioned Nation - Cherian George
- Singapore Women Re-presented - Constance Singam and Audrey Chin
- Sisters in the Resistance - Margaret Collins Weitz
- Sisters of Heaven - Gully
- Son of the Revolution - Liang Heng & Judith Shapiro
- Strangers Always A Jewish Family in Wartime Shanghai - Rena Krasno
- Stress and Mental Health in Malaysian Society - Tan Chee Khuan
- The Adventures of Wu - H.Y. Lowe
- The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen
- The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera
- The Audacity of Hope - Barak Obama
- The Autobiography of An Unknown Indian - Nirad C. Chaudhary
- The Bedroom of The Mister's Wife - Philip Hensher
- The Bengal Muslims 1871 - 1906 - Ahmed
- The British Humiliation of Burma - Terence R. Blackburn
- The Butcher Boy - Patrick McCabe
- *The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer
- The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence - Victor Marchetti & John D. Marks
- The City & The City - China Mieville
- The Declaration of Independent Filmmaking - Polish, Polish, & Sheldon
- The Devil Finds Work - James Baldwin
- The Discovery of India - Jawaharlal Nehru
- The Dragon Empress - Marina Warner
- The Emergence of Modern Turkey - Bernard Lewis
- The May 13 Generation - Poh Soo Kai, ed.
- The Forgotten Army (Indian Mutiny) - Peter Ward Fay
- The Gate - Francois Bizot
- The Gene Hunters Biotechnology and the scramble for seeds - Calestous Juma
- The Gift - Lewis Hyde
- The Great Hedge of India - Roy Moxham
- The Hatchet Man of Singapore - J.B. Jeyaretnam
- The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Indonesian Revolution and The Singapore Connection - Yong Mun Cheong
- The Journey to the West, Vol. 1 - Anthony Yu
- *The Last Emperor - Edward Behr
- The Lives of Agnes Smedley - Ruth Price
- The March of Folly From Troy To Vietnam - Barbara W. Tuchman
- The Men Who Ruled India Vol. I The Founders - Philip Woodruff
- The Men Who Ruled India, Vol. II The Guardians - Philip Woodruff
- The Mighty Wave - He Jin (Transl: Tan Jing Quee, Loh Miaw Gong, Hong Lysa)
- *The Mind's I - Hofstadter & Dennett
- The Mother Tongue - Bill Bryson
- The New China - Alvin Rabushika
- The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes - Arthur Waley
- The Origins of Chinese Kongsi -
- The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore - Christopher Tremewan
- The Politics of Sri Lanka - Robert N. Kearney
- The Politics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution - Lee Hong Yung
- The Portable Dorothy Parker - Brendan Gill
- The Rape of Bangladesh - Mascarenhas
- The Rastafarians - Leonard E. Barrett, Sr.
- The Remembered Village - M.N. Srinivasan
- The Rig Veda - Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, transl
- *The Rise & Fall of the Knights Templar - Gordon Napier
- The Sinkiang Story - Jack Chen
- The Soong Dynasty - Sterling Seagrave
- The Spirit of Chinese Politics - Lucian Pye
- The Story of Zahra - Hanan al-Shaykh
- The Ugly Chinaman - Bo Yang
- The Unmaking of Malaysia -
- The Voice At The Backdoor - Elizabeth Spencer
- The Wilting of the Hundred Flowers - Mu Fu Sheng
- Third World Filmmaking -
- Time Bombs in Malaysia - Lim Kit Siang
- Transition to Neo-Confucianism - Anne D. Birdwhistell
- Unmasking Najib -
- Victims and Perpetrators - Ea Meng-try & Sorya Sim
- Wanted: Equality and Justice In The Muslim Family - Zainah Anwar, ed.
- War and Peace - Tolstoy
- Who Killed Aung San? - Kin Oung
- West Indians And Their Language - Peter A. Roberts
- Western Birds - Roger Tory Peterson
- Wikileaks - David Leigh & Luke Harding
- Wild Swans - Jung Chang
- Witness to an Era - Frank Moraes
- Women Creating Indonesia: The First Fifty Years -
- Women in the Holocaust - Dalia Ofer, Lenore J. Weitzman, Eds.
- Writers' Workshop in a Book - Cheuse and Alvarez
- Yonnondio - Tillie Olsen
- Your Future, My Faith, Our Freedom - Chee Soon Juan
- Your Memory: A User's Guide - Alan Baddeley
There's about 105 books left to go on the list, but I can't climb up to reach them. Soon as the knee heals, I'll update the list. Helps me keep track of what I've lent, borrowed, read, and given away.
This year's heavy on fiction, so quit complaining, all you monsters. And for god's sake, I don't want to hear any whining about all the war-related and torture-related history stuff I'm reading. Especially since y'all so don't want me pointing out who gave/lent them to me, yaknow?
Year-end Book Review 2011
It's the first day of 2012, and time for the annual Book Review and Book List.
I started off with 189 books on the list, which I thought was ridiculously high, even for a no-longer-painfully-employed person with a gimpy leg requiring lots of icing and elevation. Before the year was out, the list had swelled to 305 books. After Dad and Zingiber both died, I couldn't read for a long time. I had expected I could get through 60 books at best, what with all my own projects (none of which got off the ground this year, so I don't want to hear NOBODY bitching, OK? I started. I made the effort. It's ongoing. They'll happen. Now lea'me 'lone).
I ended reading 85. Still means I have a shitload of reading to do, but at least these books are done, read and to be returned to friends, library, etc., as applicable. Most important: there are no longer enormous piles of books everywhere. That's the goal. To read everything I find interesting and want to and can, to keep up with my interests by reading all the current stuff in teh fields various, and to get rid of anything I won't use again. I'm getting old enough that I have to think about whoever's going to have the unenviable task of shoveling my shit, just like I shoveled my parents'. When I pop my clogs, I want to go with two sets of clothing, my bed, and a few books, and not much else.
And right now, the fact that 305 books is an infinitesimal fraction of the number of books in this house is something to consider.
No more lengthy reviews. Everything's linked if you want more info, and feel free to ask if you want/need. For those who've been complaining that I read too much depressing shit, please note that I read a shitload of fluffy stuff. :P Everything marked with a florid pink star is something I'm currently reading. Blame that crazy Canuck for this bad new habit of reading a few pages here and there and then picking up something else. I won't do it no more, I promise.
- Adam Bede - George Eliot Very very so worth the reading.
- Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks Eh. Novel.
- Blackwater - Kerstin Ekman Weird, interesting murder mystery (?), skilled writer, complex situation.
- Buddhism in Vietnam - Minh Chi, Ha Van Tan, Nguyen Tai Thu Interesting mainly to students of one or the other of the title topics.
- Chinese Carving - Craig Clunas Beautiful, fascinating, informative.
- Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Jeff Lindsay Fluff.
- Deadheads - Reginald Hill Very well-written semi-fluffy fluff.
- Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay So the fluff.
- Dexter by Design - Jeff Lindsay I had a thing for Dexter, momentarily.
- Dexter in the Dark - Jeff Lindsay Also.
- Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant - Anne Tyler Powerful writer. Makes it look easy.
- Fables in Slang - George Ade Landmark work in the field.
- Foreign Correspondence - Geraldine Brooks Interesting, worth reading, not a keeper.
- From Bush to Bush - Don Novello He's still hilarious.
- From Caligari to Hitler - Siegfried Kracauer Seminal work on early German film.
- From Colony to Nation - Singapore History Museum Primer, only of interest to those with an interest in the history of the country.
- Ho Chi Minh: A Journey - Lady Borton Interesting. Very interesting.
- Ho Chi Minh On Revolution - Bernard Fall, ed. In Nguyen Ai Quoc's own words.
- In Pursuit of Mountain Rats - Anthony Short Outdated, incorrect in parts, doctrinaire, an apologist for colonialism, mostly.
- Justice Hall - Laurie King Not worth reading.
- Life - Keith Richards Fan of Keef's music, but his life, not so much.
- Lo t'o Hsiang Tzu (Rickshaw) - Lao She Not sure I liked the translation so much, but it's one of the first Chinese literary works that revolves around a poor peasant character.
- MacArthur Strikes Back - Harry A. Gailey Military history. Interesting look at the war in those parts.
- Midnight Fugue - Reginald Hill I can't find enough words of praise for Reginald Hill, even when he's writing fluff.
- Minorities of the Sino-Vietnamese Borderland - Maurice Abadie Fascinating snapshot in time of the border tribes living in/between Vietnam and China.
- Murder and Mayhem in 17th Century Cambodia - Alfons van der Kraan Not for the tender of heart or mind. Most annoying, van der Kraan talks about how important it was for the Dutch to "punish" the "savage" monarchs of various nations whose wealth the Dutch desired. Ugh. The blood boils.
- Offerings: The Ritual Art of Bali - Francine Brinkgreve Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.
- On Beulah Heights - Reginald Hill OK, it was fluff, but rather depressing fluff.
- On The Road - Jack Kerouac Greatly overrated.
- People's War, People's Army - Vo Nguyen Giap Giap's notes for speeches he gave and articles he wrote. Interesting, but limited.
- Porcelain From The VungTao Wreck - Sverker Hallstrom Fascinating/mixed description of an excavation of a shipwreck revealing the nature and aspects of trade between China and VN.
- Pump Six - Paolo Bacigalupi Fluff.
- Random Acts of Senseless Violence - Jack Womak Er ... bloody fluff.
- Rastafarian Theology - Imani Nyah No. Just no.
- Rickshaw Coolie: A People's History - J. Francis Warren Interesting look at the historical facts of life for poor working people in colonial Singapore.
- Sandakan: A Conspiracy of Silence - Lynette Ramsay Silver Yet another senseless tragedy of WW II
- Selves/Jati Diri - Kwok Kian Woon, T. Sasitharan, Arun Mahizhnan, eds. Interesting
- Sexual Behaviour of Women in Singapore - V. Aputharajah Dated. Informational. Useful.
- Shakespeare Wrote For Money - Nick Hornby Another delightful writer.
- Shirin Fozdar, Asia's Foremost Feminist - Rose Ong Why is so little known about this fascinating woman?
- Shit My Dad Says - Justin Halperin Fluff. Brian ought to know.
- Silas Marner - George Eliot Good. Great. What a writer.
- Signal to Noise - Sinclair Fluff.
- Singapore:Journey Into Nationhood Limited interest.
- Singapore & The Many-Headed Monster - Joe Conceicao Memoirs, really. Of dubious interest.
- Singapore's People's Action Party: Its History, Organization and Leadership - Pang Cheng Lian Reads like a poli sci major's thesis. And inadequate, at that.
- Start-up - Jerry Kaplan Very interesting.
- Stories of Your Life - Ted Chiang Interesting.
- Stuff on My Cat Total fluff, but enjoyable.
- Sunset Limited - James Lee Burke Fluff. Interesting.
- Suspicious Death Scene Investigation - Anthony Busuttii, Peter Vanezes, eds. If this book weren't so expensive, I'd want it. It's a professional manual for people who actually do this shit for a living. Fascinating.
- The Birth of Vietnam - Keith Weller Taylor For students of VN history. Really excellent, too.
- The Book of Salt - Monique Truong A very impressive first work.
The Clock Winder- Anne Tyler She's a damn good writer.- The Death of the Heart - Elizabeth BowenHow ignorant I am, to only just have discovered this writer!
- The End of The Affair - Graham Greene Way overrated.
- The Golden Gate and The Silver Screen - Geoffrey Bell The SF Bay Area and the movie industry. Fascinating.
- The Gone-Away World - Nick Harkaway Fluff.
- The Haunted Screen - Lotte Eisner A classic of film history and German Expressionism.
- The Ho Chi Minh Trail - Hoang Khoi Interesting. Wish I'd kept my copy, now.
- The Illustrated Communist Manifesto - Delightful.
- The Imp - Yes.
- The Japanese Occupation:Singapore 1942-1945 - Singapore Archives & Oral History Dept Depressing.
- The Jews of Singapore - Joan Bieder Fascinating.
- The Life Cycle of Software Objects - Ted Chiang Fluff.
- The Penang Po Leung Kuk - Neil Khor Jin Kiong Limited interest: Chinese women in Southeast Asia, prostitution, social ailments and response.
- The Peranakan - Fascinating snippets of Peranakan history and culture
- The Rice Birds: Folktales from Thailand - C. & K. Velder Very interesting
- The Seed Finder - John Jeavons & Robin Leler For serious gardeners. Getting dated, though.
- The Singapore Council of Women and The Women's Movement - Phyllis Ghim Lian Chew Limited interest.
- The Singapore House - Edwards Limited interest.
- The Syonan Years I - Lee Geok Boi Japanese occupation of Singapore. Extremely depressing.
- The Syonan Years II - Lee Geok Boi See above.
- The Tragedy of Wanit - Benjamin Batson & Shimizu Hajime Thailand in WW II
- The Violent Bear It Away - Flannery O'Connor Not fluff. Very depressing.
- The Warden - Anthony Trollope Not fluff, but not depressing, either.
- The Wha Chi Memoirs - Liang Shang Wan, Jian Hua Resistance guerillas in the Philippines.
- The Wood Beyond - Reginald Hill Priceless.
- This Is Not Civilization - Robert Rosenberg Interesting, if sometimes cynical and dreary.
- Vietnam & America: The Most Comprehensive Documented History of the Vietnam War - Gettleman, et al For historians and scholars.
- VietNam Cultural Window - A contemporary magazine about VN culture and modern VN
- Warsaw of Asia: The Rape of Manila - Boni Escoda Interesting, but in desperate need of an editor.
- We The Animals - Justin Torres What an excellent opus!
- When Elephants Dance - Tess Uriza Holthe Just watch the movie, it'll hurt less.
- Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte I'm still amazed at the power of this young girl's book.
- *7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey I'm reading this because my time management skills suck ass, OK? Ditto for the others in this vein.
- *50 Stories - Kay Boyle Been meaning to read her forever, and I'm glad I finally did.
- *A House in Gross Disorder - Cynthia B. Herrup Fascinating but complex and now I can't remember what it's about. Law and power. I know that much.
- *A Spy's Revenge - Richard V. Hall Urgh. A spy scandal, but I don't remember when.
- *Among the White Moonfaces - Shirley Lim Peranakan feminist's memoirs
- *Don Quixote - Cervantes
- *Dubliners - James Joyce
- *Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
- *Getting Organized - Stephanie Winston
- *Hero And Deity - Pham Quynh Phuong Fascinating, but I put it down to go read more VN history.
- *Lempriere's Dictionary - Lawrence Norfolk It's good, I don't know why I put it down.
- *Middlemarch - George Eliot It's nearly a thousand pages, but I already know I'm going to love it.
- *Outwitting the Gestapo - Lucie Aubrac Fascinating.
- *Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
- *Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson Not sure I want to read this.
- *The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer It's always good to reread things you once enjoyed.
- *The Last Emperor - Edward Behr Re-reading this now that I'm filling in gaps in Chinese history
- *The Rise & Fall of the Knights Templar - Gordon Napier Much more interesting than Dan Brown.