David "Honeyboy" Edwards died today.
He was the last of the great old Mississippi bluesmen, and you haven't heard the Delta blues played like this, ever. Here he is, in his 90s, still giving it his all:
This is the kind of blues that sits in your belly like a hungry wolfcub, taking bites straight out of your heart. Blues like showers of rain.
Thank you, Mr. Edwards. May your memory and your music live forever.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Happy Birthday, Anne Lamott

photo from the PRX website (http://www.prx.org/pieces/19657)
From today's Writer's Almanac ...
It's the birthday of the writer Anne Lamott, born in San Francisco (1954). She had already written three novels when she got pregnant and decided to keep the baby, even though the baby's father left when she told him that. Her book Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year (1993) was about her struggles with motherhood and her Christianity. It got rave reviews.
Her book Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (1994) is often quoted and referenced by writers both beginning and seasoned. The title is from her father's advice to her 10-year-old brother, who was struggling with a report on birds that had to be completed in one evening.
She wrote, "[He] put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said, 'Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.'"
Happy Birthday, Anne. You are a treasure ... a true treasure in this world.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Dog Photos by K. Smokey Cormier
I was invited to participate in the "Dogs on Camera" photo exhibit sponsored by the Frank Bette Center for the Arts in Alameda, Ca. We were supposed to go and photograph dogs at the specified dog parks in Alameda during the weekend of February 5 & 6. Then pick one of the photographs to submit and then see if it was selected for the show. We could submit only one photo! I showed the one that I submitted. You can see it here. But I thought I should also show you readers the other ones that I thought were good. Here they are ...

All photos (c) 2011 K. Smokey Cormier
The Queen
All photos (c) 2011 K. Smokey Cormier
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Best in Show at "Dogs on Camera"
Winning entry in the "Dogs on Camera" show sponsored by The Frank Bette Arts Center of Alameda. It was held at the satellite gallery at Urban Island Home Furnishings.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Actor to watch: Anne-Marie Duff
[No one ever calls Aunt Mimi John's adoptive mum ... but that's what she was.]
Friday, February 11, 2011
Egyptians, We Send Our Love and Hope
Have you seen the photos from Egypt at the New York Times web site?
No!!! Better go now.
They will make you weep for joy.
No!!! Better go now.
They will make you weep for joy.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pixar Movies in Chronological Order
A while ago my daughters and I went to the Pixar exhibit at the Oakland Museum and now we're watching all the full-length Pixar movies in chronological order. Below is the list -- if you're interested.
Tonight we watched Cars. Paul Newman is the voice of Doc in the movie. So, I went poking around on the 'net about Paul Newman and found a photo of him when he was in the Navy -- I posted it in my previous post.
now the list:
Toy Story
Bugs Life
Toy Story 2
Monsters, Inc.
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
Toy Story 3
Someone asked me what was my favorite so far. Very hard to answer. Toy Story, methinks. But, to tell you the truth, I'm really enjoying all of them. Which doesn't mean I'm not critical of them ... you know, the usual -- too much testosterone poisoning -- fighting, weapons, explosions. Other than that stuff -- very creative, lots of humor. That's what I enjoy.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Book List 2011
Imagine that! A whole year gone!
2010 really flew by, and all I could manage was 60 books. This year's list is much longer. No time to waste.
This is the list for 01/01/2011:
- A Concise History of Indian Art - Roy C. Craven
- A History of Cambodia - David Chandler
- A History of India 1 - Romila Thapar
- A History of India 2 - Percival Spear
- A House in Gross Disorder - Cynthia B. Herrup
- A Journalist, A General, and An Army in Burma - U Thaung
- A New History of India - Stanley Wolpert
- A Spy's Revenge - Richard V. Hall
- A Tale Of Millions: Bangladesh Liberation War - M. Rafiqul Islam
- Agnes Smedley - J.R. & S.R. MacKinnon
- Alexander The Great - W.W. Tarn
- Among the White Moonfaces - Shirley Lim Geok-lin
- An Advanced History of India - Majumdar, Raychaudhuri & Dutta
- Asian Dragons & Green Trade - Simon Tay & Daniel Esty
- Bangladesh From Mujib to Ershad, an interpretive study - Lawrence Ziring
- Beating the Blues - Thase & Lang
- Before Kampuchea - Milton Osborne
- Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
- Black Dog of Fate - Peter Balakian
- Buddhism in Vietnam - Minh Chi, Ha Van Tan, Nguyen Tai Thu
- Cambodia Silenced: The Press Under Six Regimes - Harish Mehta
- Captains of Consciousness - Stuart Ewen
- Ceylon - S. Arasaratnam
- China's Second Revolution - Harry Harding
- Chinese Carving - Craig Clunas
- Chinese Customs - Henri Dore
- Chinese Warlord - The Career of Feng Yu Hsiang - James E. Sheridan
- Colonial Masculinity - Mrinalini Sinha
- Decolonizing the Mind - Ngugi wa Thiong'o
- Desis in the House - Sunaina Maira
- Discos and Democracy - Orville Schell
- Dread - The Rastafarians of Jamaica - Joseph Owens
- Enemies of the People - Anne F. Thurston
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Charles Mackay
- Facets of Taoism - Holmes Welch & Anna Seidel
- Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
- Fire in the Lake - Frances Fitzgerald
- First Person Singular - Joyce Carol Oates
- Flashbacks - Morley Safer
- Flower of the Dragon - Richard Boyle
- Folklore From Contemporary Jamaicans - Daryl C. Dance
- Folklore of Tamil Nadu - S.M.L. Lakshman Chettiar
- Gandhi - Louis Fischer
- Gandhi's Truth — On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence - Erik H. Erikson
- Gangsters and Revolutionaries - Robert Cribb
- Grasshoppers & Elephants - Wilfred Burchett
- Heritage of China - Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization - Ed. Paul S. Ropp
- Hero And Deity - Pham Quynh Phuong
- Hinduism - Its Historical Development - Troy Wilson Organ
- In One's Own Shadow - Xin Liu
- Incursion: From America's Chokehold on the NVA Lifelines to the Sacking of the Cambodian Sanctuaries - J.D. Coleman
- India Wins Freedom - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
- Indian Art - Philip Rawson
- Indonesian Confrontation - Gabriel Tan
- Into Cambodia - Keith William Nolan
- IsvarChandra Vidyasagar -
- Khmers Stand Up! - Justin Corfield
- Laogai - The Chinese Gulag - Harry Wu Hong da
- Leviathan - Hobbes
- Life - Keith Richards
- Lo t'o Hsiang Tzu (Rickshaw) - Lao She
- Mandarins, Jews, and Missionaries - Michael Pollak
- Mandate of Heaven - Orville Schell
- May 13 - Kua Kia Soong
- Meena, Heroine of Afghanistan - Melody Ermachild Chavis
- Microeconomic Theory - Gould & Ferguson
- Minorities of the Sino-Vietnamese Borderland - Maurice Abadie
- Murder and Mayhem in 17th Century Cambodia - Alfons van der Kraan
- Myths About The Ethnic Chinese "Economic Miracle" - Go Bon Juan & Joaquim Sy
- Nakshi Kantha of Bengal - Sila Basak
- Offerings: The Ritual Art of Bali -
- On The Road - Jack Kerouac
- One Blood — The Jamaican Body - Elisa Janine Sobo
- Orientalism - Edward W. Said
- Outwitting the Gestapo - Lucie Aubrac
- Painting Islam as the New Enemy -
- Pearl S. Buck, A Cultural Biography - Peter Conn
- People's War, People's Army - Vo Nguyen Giap
- Personal Voices - Chinese Women in the '80s - Emily Honig & Gail Hershatter
- Physics and Philosophy - Werner Heisenberg
- Physiology of the Human Body - Guyton
- Pol Pot - Philip Short
- Popular Songs and Ballads of Han China - Anne Birrele
- Porcelain From The VungTao Wreck -
- Primitive Art - Frank Boas
- Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson
- Punjabi Century 1857-1947 - Prakash Tandon
- Rasta & Resistance - Horace Campbell
- Rastafari Roots & Ideology - Barry Chevannes
- Rastafarian Theology - Imani Nyah
- Reading Lolita In Teheran - Azar Nafisi
- Red China Blues - Jan Wong
- Reeducating Chinese Anti-Communists - J.A. Fyfield
- Resistance and Reform in Tibet -
- Revolution Postponed - Margery Wolf
- Rickshaw Coolie: A People's History - J. Francis Warren
- Roots of Rastafari - Virginia Lee Jacobs
- Rosie - Anne Lamott
- Rural Development in China - Fei Hsiao Tung
- Sandakan: A Conspiracy of Silence - Lynette Ramsay Silver
- Satyajit Ray: The Inner Eye (The Biography Of A Master Film-Maker - Andrew Robinson
- Screenwriting 434 - Lew Hunter
- Self Censorship: Singapore's Shame - James Gomez
- Sexual Behaviour of Women in Singapore - V. Aputharajah
- Shanghai Refuge, A Memoir of the WWII Jewish Ghetto - Ernest G. Heppner
- Sherpas Through Their Rituals - Sherry B. Ortner
- Shirin Fozdar: Asia's Foremost Feminist - Rose Ong
- Singapore:Journey Into Nationhood
- Singapore The Air-Conditioned Nation - Cherian George
- Singapore & The Many-Headed Monster - Joe Conceicao
- Singapore Women Re-presented - Constance Singam and Audrey Chin
- Singapore's People's Action Party: Its History, Organization and Leadership - Pang Cheng Lian
- Sisters in the Resistance - Margaret Collins Weitz
- Sisters of Heaven - Patti Gully
- Son of the Revolution - Liang Heng & Judith Shapiro
- Stories of Your Life - Ted Chiang
- Strangers Always A Jewish Family in Wartime Shanghai - Rena Krasno
- Stress and Mental Health in Malaysian Society - Tan Chee Khuan
- Stuff on My Cat -
- The Adventures of Wu - H.Y. Lowe
- The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen
- The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera
- The Audacity of Hope - Barack Obama
- The Autobiography of An Unknown Indian - Nirad C. Chaudhary
- The Bengal Muslims 1871 - 1906 - Ahmed
- The Birth of Vietnam - Keith Weller Taylor
- The British Humiliation of Burma - Terence R. Blackburn
- The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer
- The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence - Victor Marchetti & John D. Marks
- The Devil Finds Work - James Baldwin
- The Discovery of India - Jawaharlal Nehru
- The Dragon Empress - Marina Warner
- The Emergence of Modern Turkey - Bernard Lewis
- The Fajar Generation - Poh Soo Kai, ed.
- The Forgotten Army (Indian Mutiny) - Peter Ward Fay
- The Gene Hunters Biotechnology and the scramble for seeds - Calestous Juma
- The Gift - Lewis Hyde
- The Great Hedge of India - Roy Moxham
- The Hatchet Man of Singapore - J.B. Jeyaretnam
- The Journey to the West, Vol. 1 - Anthony Yu
- The Last Emperor - Edward Behr
- The Lives of Agnes Smedley - Ruth Price
- The March of Folly From Troy To Vietnam - Barbara W. Tuchman
- The Men Who Ruled India Vol. I The Founders - Philip Woodruff
- The Men Who Ruled India, Vol. II The Guardians - Philip Woodruff
- The Mind's I - Hofstadter & Dennett
- The Mother Tongue - Bill Bryson
- The New China - Alvin Rabushika
- The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes - Arthur Waley
- The Penang Po Leung Kuk -
- The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore - Christopher Tremewan
- The Politics of Sri Lanka - Robert N. Kearney
- The Politics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution - Lee Hong Yung
- The Rape of Bangladesh - Mascarenhas
- The Rastafarians - Leonard E. Barrett, Sr.
- The Remembered Village - M.N. Srinivasan
- The Rice Birds: Folktales from Thailand - C. & K. Velder
- The Rig Veda - Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, transl
- The Rise & Fall of the Knights Templar - Gordon Napier
- The Singapore Council of Women and The Women's Movement - Phyllis Ghim Lian Chew
- The Singapore House - Norman Edwards
- The Sinkiang Story - Jack Chen
- The Soong Dynasty - Sterling Seagrave
- The Spirit of Chinese Politics - Lucian Pye
- The Syonan Years I - Lee Geok Boi
- The Syonan Years II - Lee Geok Boi
- The Tragedy of Wanit -
- The Ugly Chinaman - Bo Yang
- The Unmaking of Malaysia - Ahmad Mustapha Hassan
- The Wha Chi -
- The Wilting of the Hundred Flowers - Mu Fu Sheng
- This Is Not Civilization - Robert Rosenberg
- Time Bombs in Malaysia - Lim Kit Siang
- Transition to Neo-Confucianism - Anne D. Birdwhistell
- Unmasking Najib - Lim Kit Siang
- Victims and Perpetrators - Ea Meng-try & Sorya Sim
- Vietnam & America: The Most Comprehensive Documented History of the Vietnam War - Gettleman, et al
- Vietnam Cultural Window
- Wanted: Equality and Justice -
- Warsaw of Asia: The Rape of Manila - Boni Escoda
- Western Birds - Roger Tory Peterson
- Wild Swans - Jung Chang
- Witness to an Era - Frank Moraes
- West Indians And Their Language - Peter A. Roberts
- Who Killed Aung San? - Kin Oung
- Women in the Holocaust - Dalia Ofer, Lenore J. Weitzman, Eds.
- Writers' Workshop in a Book - Cheuse and Alvarez
- Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
- Your Memory: A User's Guide - Alan Baddeley
Welp, I really overdid it this year.
Yes, I've been reading. Book review to follow.
Friday, January 14, 2011
My LinkedIn profile photo
What do you think? Would employers go for this? Young, blond, and you can get her to say what you want?
2010 Book Review
Yes, we actually did read some of the books on that interminable fucking list. So it's not a whole lot.
Besides, the excuse is, ve haff bin ketchingk up on ze past six years' backlog of Science News.
Srsly. We're all, like, up to 2010 January or something now.
So here's the review so far.
Book List 2010
Not too shabby, eh? The ones I thought worth reading are starred. Number of stars indicates rank of book. Limit: 5. Anything over 3 stars is pretty much recommended reading, although some of it might be a bit arcane for the average reader's taste. Or as Gabriel Garcia Marquez' translators like to say, recondite.
Incidentally, we here at La Casa de Los Gatos are changing our reading policy. We're reminded, as all our loved ones and friends exit the planet, that time is not necessarily on our side, as avid readers. No more lengthy reviews. It's not like anybody's reading them anyway, right? And no more trashy reading. Only the stuff that will blow my socks off. Anything else goes out the door.
Besides, the excuse is, ve haff bin ketchingk up on ze past six years' backlog of Science News.
Srsly. We're all, like, up to 2010 January or something now.
So here's the review so far.
- A Ceremonial Death***- B.J. Oliphant
- A Mercy***** - Toni Morrison
- A Novel Bookstore***** - Laurence Cousse
- A Point of Light*** - Zhou Mei
- Ancient Roman Feasts & Recipes - Jon Solomon
- Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman***** - Ernest J. Gaines
- Blood Lust* - Alex Josey
- Catch A Fire*** - Timothy White
- Chinese Snuff Bottles*** - Vanessa Holden
- Cities Of The Red Night - William Burroughs
- Christmas Island
- Daniel Deronda***** - George Eliot
- Death for Old Times' Sake - A.J. Orde
- Death Served Up Cold - B.J. Oliphant
- Dreams From My Father***** - Barack Obama
- Hotel Iris***** - Yoko Ogawa
- Images of America - Oakland Hills - Erika Mailman
- In Pursuit of Mountain Rats - Anthony Short
- In The Woods** - Tana French
- Juliet, Naked**** - Nick Hornby
- Looking for the Aardvark*** - A.J. Orde
- Major Pettigrew's Last Stand**** - Helen Simonson
- My Side of History***** - Chin Peng
- Memory: A Very Short Introduction*** - Jonathan Foster
- No Country For Old Men*** - Cormac McCarthy
- No Cowardly Past*** - James Puthucheary
- No More Daddy's Little Girl - Karen Lee
- Nonsense***** - Robert J. Gula
- Pham Xuan An, General of the Secret Service**** - Hoang Hai Van & Tan Thu
- Sapphires & Garlic**** - Ruth Reichl
- Shantaram*** - Gregory David Roberts
- Shirley**** - Charlotte Bronte
- Square Foot Gardening - Mel Bartholomew
- Still Life*** - E.E. Horlak
- The Elegance of the Hedgehog***** - Muriel Barberry
- The Emperor***** - Ryszard Kapuscinski
- The Enchantress of Florence - Salman Rushdie
- The Enthusiast - Charlie Haas
- The First Third - Neal Cassady
- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
- The Girl Who Played With Fire - Stieg Larsson
- The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest - Stieg Larsson
- The Great Indian Novel*** - Shashi Tharoor
- The Hungry Tide**** - Amitav Ghosh
- The Likeness - Tana French
- The Moor's Last Sigh***** - Salman Rushdie
- The Narrow Strip of Land**** - Tran Mai Nam
- The Pantropheon**** - Alexis Soyer
- The Plague***** - Albert Camus
- The Rottweiler - Ruth Rendell
- The Tin Drum***** - Gunther Grass
- The Triads in Singapore and Malaya**** - Leon Comber
- The Unexpected Corpse - B.J. Oliphant
- The Waiting Earth**** - Punyakante Wijenaike
- The Way of All Flesh***** - Samuel Butler
- There are Ghosts Everywhere in Singapore
- True Singapore Ghost Stories 2 - Russell Lee
- True Singapore Ghost Stories 9 - Russell Lee
- Wedding Song***** - Naguib Mahfouz
- Yogini Cult & Temples***** - Vidya Dehejia
Not too shabby, eh? The ones I thought worth reading are starred. Number of stars indicates rank of book. Limit: 5. Anything over 3 stars is pretty much recommended reading, although some of it might be a bit arcane for the average reader's taste. Or as Gabriel Garcia Marquez' translators like to say, recondite.
Incidentally, we here at La Casa de Los Gatos are changing our reading policy. We're reminded, as all our loved ones and friends exit the planet, that time is not necessarily on our side, as avid readers. No more lengthy reviews. It's not like anybody's reading them anyway, right? And no more trashy reading. Only the stuff that will blow my socks off. Anything else goes out the door.
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